Qoya Movement Workshop

Get ready for an evening filled with joyful movement, peaceful meditation, and uplifting sisterhood as we celebrate self-discovery and empowerment. Whether you're new to Qoya or simply seeking a sparkly experience, this class is tailor-made for you !

So, what exactly is Qoya Inspired Movement?
Think of it as a delightful dance with your soul ! Qoya Inspired Movement encourages you to move your body in ways that feel amazing, tapping into your inner wisdom and intuition. It's a fusion of dance, yoga, and meditation, crafted to help you reconnect with your true essence and sparkle from within.

And there is no way you can do it wrong; there are no levels in Qoya. Just come as you are and have fun !

Why Choose Qoya?

Embodied Wisdom: Qoya helps you honor your body's signals and rhythms, boosting self-awareness and empowerment.

Clarity and Focus: Quiet the noise of daily life and gain insight into your desires and dreams with Qoya's focused movements.

Openness to Possibilities: Say goodbye to self-doubt and hello to a world of potential as you shed limiting beliefs and embrace new horizons.

Community and Support: Surround yourself with a tribe of fabulous women on a similar journey, offering encouragement, inspiration, and big-hearted camaraderie.


after a traumatic experience, Katie healed herself a lot through practicing Qoya. She became a passionate Qoya Teacher in .

In her work as an Expat Coach, Katie guides expats from being stuck in their life abroad to reconnecting with themselves so they can build a work and life at their terms; wherever they are. In Belgium, she is also a Career Coach, helping people find their genius and align their career to it so they can find the flow they are looking for.

For more info: www.soulwandering.com
The Nine
Rue Archimède 69
1000 Bruxelles
Réservation obligatoire
à partir de 18 ans

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